DEDON Catalog 2021
“Traveling — it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”
Ibn Battuta
The hulking cliffs of granite, their vast forms striated by wind and water, seem almost to hold up the land, guarding it from the sea. Beyond them lies a rugged terrain of crystal quartz and metamorphic rock, sawtooth ridges and montane forest. This is an ancient landscape, sculpted by collision and heat, nipped at by waves beating gently but ceaselessly upon the rock. A village of cream-colored limestone rises up from the promontory, a man-made extension of the granite, delicate and refined by comparison. But right now, it is the architecture of the cliffs that interests you. That, and the color of the water—a clear blue dappled with green—in which the cliffs are reflected. Überwältigende Klippen aus Granit, sanft aber unnachgiebig von Wind und Wellen geformt. Dahinter erstreckt sich eine felsige Küstenlandschaft. Ein Dorf aus cremefarbenem Sandstein fügt sich raffiniert in das zerklüftete Terrain ein. Darunter liegt das Meer—blau mit grünen Flecken— in dem sich die Klippen spiegeln.
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